Bass play along

RHCP - Dani California

farad 2016. 2. 28. 16:56

Sandberg Panther 5 string
 - acive, full tone, blend rear, bass all the way up, treble flat
 - Delano Xpure (trim setting +10dB) 
 - Delano Xpure (trim setting +10dB)
 - Sandberg stainless string 40-128
Ampeg SCR-DI
 - bass 11:50, mid all the way up, treble all the way down, Ultra Lo on
 - Scarambler : Drive 12:00, Blend 9:00
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
 - Bus Driver
 - Scarlett Compressor
 - Scarlett Equaliser
 - One Knob Louder
 - Bus Driver
Video Recording : iPhone 6S